
A new feature release version of Legify is available at:


This provides a new legify-technic-pin macro which renders a technic pin onto an existing Part Design workbench body.

Therefore the “s” in the name of the project “freecad-legify-macros” now has real meaning! 😜


A new feature release version of Legify is available at:


Beyond a number of measurement improvements, rendering of technic pins is now implemented.


A bugix version of Legify is available at:


It provides improvements to measurements and rendering based on using the macro generated parts in Assembly V4 and TechDraw workbenches.

Example TechDraw diagrams for individual parts and assemblies are provided below.


The latest and most likely last version of Legify is available at:


I’ve achieved my goals with this project, which were to:

  • Get to grips with FreeCAD and parametric modelling concepts: sketches, constraints, datum planes etc.
  • Learn Python and use it for FreeCAD scripting

I’m now moving on to learn about assemblies and technical drawings.

Googling for “excel timecode” didn’t produce any results which met my requirements:

  • support 29.97 drop-frame SMPTE timecode
  • calculate a duration given an in-point and out-point
  • provide conversion to and from timecode, frame count and microseconds
  • not based on Excel macros so that the solution can be easily redistributed

Because of this, I am pleased to present a solution which does meet the above requirements:



I’ve been developing a FreeCAD macro for a while with the following aims:

  • Get to grips with FreeCAD and parametric modelling concepts: sketches, constraints, datum planes etc.
  • Learn Python and use it for FreeCAD scripting

To really push the boundaries, I challenged myself to use Python scripting in conjunction with the PartDesign workbench: I wanted to end up with a parametric model fully based on sketches and datum planes.