I took some time during the holiday to get the Minitel I inherited from the parents-in-law connected to my home server. As I already run Asterisk on the server and have analogue telephony hardware, I wanted to use the analogue dialup modem rather than opting for the serial port available on some Minitel terminals.

Overall the setup is:

Analogue Phone + Minitel Terminal => Grandstream ATA => Asterisk => SoftModem => Python Minitel Server

Here is a video showing initial connection and navigating to some adult content of the era:


The latest and most likely last version of Legify is available at:


I’ve achieved my goals with this project, which were to:

  • Get to grips with FreeCAD and parametric modelling concepts: sketches, constraints, datum planes etc.
  • Learn Python and use it for FreeCAD scripting

I’m now moving on to learn about assemblies and technical drawings.


I’ve been developing a FreeCAD macro for a while with the following aims:

  • Get to grips with FreeCAD and parametric modelling concepts: sketches, constraints, datum planes etc.
  • Learn Python and use it for FreeCAD scripting

To really push the boundaries, I challenged myself to use Python scripting in conjunction with the PartDesign workbench: I wanted to end up with a parametric model fully based on sketches and datum planes.


I’ve been writing a Python macro for FreeCAD as a learning exercise on both subjects. I thought it would be nice to display the Circled Information Source unicode character as a tooltip icon in a GUI form. It looks like this: 🛈 (if your current viewing font supports it).

After attempting this for a couple of hours, I wanted to stop learning Python and head back to Java…